Vários textos sobre a importência dos cinetistas portugueses no mundo (Several texts about the importance of Portuguese scientists in the world).
Ciência Hoje Manuel Sobrinho Simões Abel Salazar
Cientistas reconhecidos internacionalmente (Internationally recognized scientists)
Vários textos sobre a importência dos cientistas portugueses no mundo (Several texts about the importance of Portuguese scientists in the world).
Internationally recognized scientists (Internationally Recognized Scientists)
Several texts on importência cinetistas of Portuguese in the world (Several texts about the Importance of Portuguese Scientists in the world).
Science Today Manuel Sobrinho Simões Abel Salazar
Para poderem visulizar todos os notáveis portugueses agrupados por categorias vejam este site: Tem informação de todos os notáveis portugueses, quem são e o que fazem ou fizeram,,,
(In order View member all the great Portuguese grouped by categories to see this site:
It has all the great information Portugal, who they are and what they do or have done,,,